U.S.A. Travel Tips
Travel across the USA
Travel to USA - United States Travel Tips
Welcome to the United States. You have 50 states to choose from including Alaska and Hawaii. Each state has a unique offering for tourists from across the nation and around the world.
Families can enjoy quality time at the beach, in the mountains or desert, on a river, in a forest or just about any topography you can imagine. For city life, shopping, shows and great food there is also an abundance of choice, so here are some travel tips for travelling through and to the U.S.A.
It takes about 5 hours to cross the United States by air. Major air carriers include American Airlines www.aa.com), Continental Airlines www.continental.com ,Delta Airlines, www.delta.com , Northwest Airlines www.nwa.com and United Airlines www.ual.com .
Some outdoor activities that are exciting include biking, canoeing, swimming, surfing, eating great tasting food in restaurants, historic and cultural sites, horseback riding, sailing and boating, snorkelling and scuba diving, whitewater rafting and kayaking.
There are plenty of amusement parks and attractions to keep visitors enthused and entertained. First pick a destination among the 50 states and then you can find out what each locale has to offer. See our Disney pages in case you are planning a visit to California or Florida.